Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 136)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 136)
75. The organisational unification of industrial and
finance capital did not become widespread until the rise of
the Joint Stock Company in the nineteenth century and only
became widespread with the development of the multi-national
76. See, K. Marx, op cit. 1976, pp. 283-307.
77. Compare, Laclau, op cit. 1977, pp. 15-50.
78. See, G. Dupre and P-P. Rey, "Reflections on the
Pertinence of a Theory of History of Exchange", inH. Wolpe
Ed., op cit. pp. 138-60.
79. See, G. Kay, Development of Underdevelopment, (London,
1975), pp. 84-124.
80. See, H. Wolpe, 1980, op cit. pp. 6-42.
81. Ibid. p.7.
82. Ibid.
83. E. Balibar, op cit. p. 266.
84. C. Bettelheim, "Theoretical Comments", in A. Emmanuel,
Unequal Exchange, (New York, 1972).
85. See, ibid. p. 277.
86. See, ibid. p. 293.
87. Ibid. p. 245.
88. For a critique of value theory from a neo-Ricardian
position, see, I. Steedman, Marx After Sraffa, (London,
89. For an account of some of these issues in the context
of Latin America and South Africa, see, A. Q. Oberegon, "The
Marginal Pole of the Economy and the Marginalised Labour
Force", and H. Wolpe, "Capitalism and Cheap Labour-Power in
South Africa: From Segregation to Apartheid", both in H.
Alex Pollock


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