Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 141)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 141)
as a whole. (5)
As long as agrarian capitalism remains underdeveloped and as
long as there is no widespread and extended employment of
waged agricultural labour (a minimum condition for the
development of agrarian capitalism) in the Palestinian
sector, then we would expect the peasant household unit’ to
remain the main unit of labour supply under existing social
and technica) conditions. The household unit provides’ the
labour supply for a number of distinct types of non-
capitalist agricultural modes of production in the region
under consideration. We can usefully distinguish five types
of non-capitalist productive landholding relations which are
to be found in the Jordan Valley. These are: sharecropping,
cash tenancy, smallholding, farming-landlordism and farming—
shepherding. Each of these types of landholding forms
engenders specific relations of production in terms of the
ownership and control] of the means of production and methods
of appropriation of the surplus product, but it should be
borne in mind that peasant households can be simultaneously
located in more than one landholding relationship, i.e. they
can be located in more than one class relation. We can
utilise these divergent forms of appropriation of the surplus
product to distinguish these as distinct forms of economic
class relations. But it must be stated that the logic of
production is not internal to these forms but rather takes
its logic from an economy dominated by highly capitalised
Israeli agricultural production, i.e. each of these forms are
interlinked to an economy dominated by the capitalist
127 Uf,
Alex Pollock


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