Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 142)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 142)
agricultural market although these production forms are not
themselves capitalist modes of production.
[I shall attempt to outline the specific forms of peasant
production units in terms of the two interrelated elements
of, first, the type of ownership and control of the means of
production, and, second, the forms of appropriation of the
surplus product. By the term means of production I refer to
those elements. which are combined in the actual labour
process to produce agricultural use-values, which are either
sold as commodities or utilised to meet subsistence
requirements in the peasant household. In agricultural work
processes such means of production include: land, water,
machinery and equipment, labour, seeds and other agricultural
inputs. By the term ownership and control of the means of
production I refer to two interrelated relationships. These
are, first, a relationship of property, and, second, a
relationship of economic possession. (6) The property
relation refers to legal ownership which is most commonly
identical with private property (although it can include
corporate property).
In the context of the West Bank the concept of private
property in land is problematic because it is largely defined
by the Ottoman Land Law of 1858 which the Israeli authorities
have adapted to serve their own colonialist aspirations; they
have no wish to regularise the relationship of land ownership
on arational basis. The continued existence of ambiguity
over legal ownership of land is perfectly suited to a
128 L f.
Alex Pollock


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