Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 146)
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- Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 146)
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throughout the Middle East and Palestine during the period of
Ottoman rule. It became widespread in Palestine at the end of
the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth
century as French and British mercantile'capital began to
penetrate and eventually dominate the commercial centres of
the Levant. The expansion of sharecropping in Palestine
corresponds to the period of the transition from Ottoman rule
to British colonial administration of the country. Alfred
Bonne has argued that sharetenancy played an increasingly
important role during this transition phase and about 18-20%
of agricultural enterprises in Palestine at this time were
sharecropping enterprises. (12)
During the early Mandate period, sharetenancy was in the
ascendancy as many of the independent fellahin (peasant
farmers) were transformed into sharecroppers through the
process of indebtedness. Concomitantly, the dominance of the
powerful families of landlord-merchant-financiers reached
their zenith at this time. However, the widespread domination
of these families was short-lived. The conflagration of 1948
largely marked their dimunition in importance and dislocated
the agrarian structure of Palestine. (13) Since 1967 the
agrarian structure of the West Bank has undergone radical
change and structural transformation through the processes of
land expropriation, emigration, proletarianisation and the
integration of the West Bank economy into the Israeli market.
In other words, there has been a reconstruction of the West
Bank as a dependent and colonised sector of the Israeli
social formation.
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- Alex Pollock
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