Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 147)
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- Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 147)
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It is against this backdrop that we discover the resurgence
of sharecropping in the Jordan Valley. This consolidation was
revitalised by the introduction of Green Revolution
technology and hybrid seeds. (14) Sharecropping in the Jordan
valley 1s unique in a number of respects. First, it is
distinguished by the prevalence of irrigated farming. Second,
it is the predominant form of agricultural activity in the
region and it has been expanding continuously since the early
1970's. Recently it may have reached a peak, both because of
@a land squeeze and because of market saturation due to
specialisation in a small number of agricultural commodities.
Ownership of the Means of Production
Sharecropping is the predominant system of agricultural
production in the north Jordan valley and it accounts for
two-thirds of the 610 individual tenures in the region (see
Table 27). 12% of all sharecroppers combine sharecropping
compacts with some other form of land tenure system. Of
these, three-fifths combine sharecropping with smallholding,
almost a quarter with cash tenancy and 16% with shepherding
(see Table 6). However, the vast majority of sharecroppers
(nine-tenths) are engaged solely in sharecropping tenure
relationships. Combined forms of landholding is relatively
less significant for sharecroppers than for cash tenants (see
Table 13). Although in absolute terms it is greater than
combined forms of landholding among cash tenants.
It is in the nature of sharecropping relations of production
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- Alex Pollock
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