Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 149)
- عنوان
- Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 149)
- المحتوى
very weak position vis-a-vis her/his rights of security of
tenure over the land which s/he works. This fact heightens
the landlords’ potential for exercising arbitrary power over
the sharecropper, if, for example, the landlord wanted to
table 6: Type of Contract Snarecropper nas with her/his Landlord
Combined Class Locations
Type of contract Share-
cropper Shepherd Cash Small -
Tenant holder
Handshake/ verbal 313 6 11 28
Written : - - 1
None 56 2 1 2
Not ascertained 26 - - -
Column Total 409 8 12 ol
k It is possible and quite common for farming households to be
engaged in more than one type of land tenure relationship, hence
the category of combined class location.
alter existing land use patterns or displace her/his
sharecroppers. The lack of a long-term legally sanctioned
contract puts the sharecropping family in a very weak
position and leaves the sharecropping household at the mercy
of the dictates of its landlord.
sharecroppers generally have to renew their farm leases on a
yearly basis. The data show that no sharecropper has a
contract of longer than one year's duration and 93% of
sharecroppers have only a one-year lease on the land they
rented (see Table 7). While more than nine-tenths of
sharecroppers have a one-year lease only, we also find that
77% (see Table 8) have cumulatively leased their lands for
135 - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Alex Pollock
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