Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 150)
- عنوان
- Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 150)
- المحتوى
Table 7: Period of Snare Lease
Combined Class Locations
Period of iease Share-
{in Years) cropper Snepoherd Cash Smali-
Tenant hoider
One 380 9 i? Zt
Not ascertained 29 - - -
Coiumn Total 409 8 i? =1
less than 5 years. The vast majority of sharecroppers have
not established long term tenure over the land which they
farm. Only 17% of sharecroppers have cumulatively leased
their land for a period of 5 years or more and only 9% have
leased their land for a period of 10 years or more. This
certainly points to the re-emergence or re-establishment of
sharecropping in the region in the post i972 war period, and
also to the fact that there is general mobility in and out of
sharecropping compacts. This is particulary true of those
farmers who do not reside in the region permanently, i.e.
those farmers who are also housing squatters. (16)
If we consider the question of ownership of the means of
production, other than land, we discover that these elements
are open to a wide degree of variation, from the landlord
providing all inputs except labour, to the labourer providing
all the means of production except land.
136 - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Alex Pollock
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