Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 151)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 151)
Table 8: Cumulative Period of Share Lease
Combined Class Locations
Cumuiartive period of Snare-
lease «years) cropper Shepherd Cash Smail-
Tenant holder
1-4 314 1 6 26
5S - 9 34 a 3 S
16 - 14 16 - 1 i
15 - 19 i4 1 i l
ZO - 34 4 1 - -
co - 29 - ~ _ -
30 - 34 es 1 -
Not ascertained 24 3 - -
Column Total 409 8 12 ol
In the Jordan Valley the ownership of water-rights varies
considerably depending upon the source of the water. For
example, in the villages of Bardala and ~Ain al Beda, village
water supplies now come from the Israeli water-grid, although
for the purposes of farming there are still a few
independently owned bore wells. The villagers in Zbeidat and
Marj) Najeh get their water supplies from artesian wells for
farming purposes and froma village faucet for household
consumption. The artesian wells are independently owned by
landlords and other individuals. The villages of Jiftlik,
“Ain Shibli and Frush Bet Dajan get their water from the a}
Fara'a canal which flows down from the Nablus mountains and
which is canalised through an aquaduct as it reaches Jiftlik.
The water is used collectively by the villagers in “Ain
Shibli and Frush Bet Dajan, but property rights apply to the
aquaduct in Jiftlik. As well as using this water, farmers
also use artesian wells which are the property of landlords
Alex Pollock


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