Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 152)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 152)
and private individuals from whom they rent water rights.
However in general, shareowning-landlords undertake to
provide farm water requirements as part of their side of the
sharecropping contract, whether they own this water
themselves or have to purchase it from another private owner.
Also, as part of the water provisioning in the contract,
landlords very often undertake to provide a water pump or the
hire costs of the pump and the fuel costs for operating the
pump if the water supply comes from bore wells.
Table ?: Services Frovided By Landlord as Fart of the Contract
Combined Class Locations
Landlord services Answer Share-
cropper Shepherd Cash Small-
Tenant holder
Provision otf Yes S20 5 8 21
water? No 54 1 2 10
Not asc. go 2 2 -
Provision of Yes 215 5 8 20
water pump? No 24 1 2 it
Not asc. 60 2 2 1
Provision of Yes Sis ra) 8 19
fuel for No 30 1 2 11
water pump? Not asc. 44 2 2 1
Provision of Yes 301 6 10 2
otner services No ou 1 1 10
Not asc. 3 1 1 -
Column Total 409 8 12 ol
The data show the major services provided by the landlord as
part of the sharecropping contract: 78% of landlords provide
Jé 138
Alex Pollock


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