Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 154)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 154)
of sharecroppers get access to mechanical equipment from this
source. Private ownership of expensive technology is
negligible (see Tables 1 and 2 in Appendix 5).
Tapie iv: Services Provided Hy Sharecropper as Fart of Contract
Combined Class Locations
) sharecrooser Answer Share-
| services cropper Snephera Cash Smali-
Tenant hoider
Provision of Yes 288 8 12 a1
own iabour? No - - ~ >
Not asc. 21 - - -
Provision of Yes 368 8 10 SL
famiiy iabour? No 20 - 2 _
Not asc. 21 - _ _
Provision of Yes 170 3 7 16
day labour? No 216 ra 5 15
Not asc. Zo - - -
Frovision ot Yes 314 7 Ai 30
other services? No 3 - - 1
Not asc. 92 i i -
Column Total 409 8 12 Sh
The purchase of seeds, fertilizers, insecticides and drip
irrigation equipment is usually shared by the landlord and
tenant on a 50:50 basis, thus sharing ownership. Labour is,
of course, the property of the sharecropper and her/his
family. This labour igs bound to the landlord in the form of
a contract with recriprocal obligations.
The data show the major services provided by the sharecropper
140 vA
Alex Pollock


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