Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 155)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 155)
as his part of the share contract (see Table 10). 95% of
sharecroppers provide their own labour, 90% provide the
labour of family members, 42% provide day labour (as
required) and 77% provide other unspecified services to their
landlord. The majority of croppers (53%) do not provide day
labourers (who would normally be used in the harvest period
if family labour was not sufficient to harvest the crop) as
part of their contractual obligations.
We can draw up a table of juridical ownership of the means of
production which looks like this:
Table 11: Juridical Ownership of the Means of Production
Means of Production Landlord Tenant Shared Rented
Land X
Water xX X
Machinery Xx
Insect. & Pest.
Drip irrigation
Labour X
From the above table we can see that juridical ownership of
the means of production is subject to diffuse ownership
between landlords, sharecroppers and rentiers, but that
landlords have ownership of the two most crucial agricultural
factors of production: land and water. One important fact
stands out here; there is no generalised capitalisation of
the most costly items of equipment, i.e. agricultural
machinery such as tractors, ploughs, reapers, etc.
141 . fh
Alex Pollock


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