Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 157)
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- Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 157)
- المحتوى
In the case of the control of the objects of labour, i.e.
land, water, seeds, fertilizers and insecticides, the issue
of real economic control is slightly more complicated for a
number of reasons. Let us firstly consider water. When water
comes from artesian wells or from the [Israeli water grid it
is subject to partial control by the military authorities,
inasmuch as the amount of water permitted for agricultural
purposes is tightly controlled. However, this control is not
economic possession and, leaving aside problems associated
with water shortages, the tenant has real economic control
over the utilisation of water in production. The tenant
supervises and controls its utility function. Second, the
landlord has partial power to determine what will be
produced; what seeds, fertilizers and insecticides will be
used, and what section of land will be used for production.
These are important powers which the landlord has, but they
do not essentially constitute real economic control over’ the
objects of labour. They may give the landlord partial
control, when, as in the case of the Green Revolution
technology utilised in the region, they surreptitiously
introduce quality and quantity control into the labour
process. These improvements also underplay the role of labour
in controlling the quality of production, they appear to the
landlord as a esort of "technological management" in the
absence of real managerial control. In addition these
improvements initiate the process of de-skilling the
agricultural producer by separating traditional farm skills
from scientific development, e.g. seed stock selection and
breeding is taken out of the hands of the peasant farmer and
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- المنشئ
- Alex Pollock
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