Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 158)
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- Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 158)
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Placed in the hands of biochemical agronomic specialists and
companies. This process does not lessen the fact that the
tenant still has economic control over seed productivity, but
1t does mitigate this control and opens up the possibility of
the landlord contracting with less skilled tenant-—labourers
and it potentially widens the landlord's "tenant pool",
When we consider the means of labour - drip irrigation, farm
machinery —-— we find economic possession and control invested
in the hands of the tenant. The tenant exercises management
and planning control over their use.
We can thus draw up a table of economic possession which
looks like this:
Table 12: Economic Control of the Means of Production
Means of production Landlord Sharecropper
Land xX
Water X
Seedlings partial X
Insect. & Fert. partial X
Drip irrigation xX
Machinery xX
Labour X
While the sharecropper has juridical ownership over her/his
own labour power only, s/he has real economic and managerial
control over all the elements in the labour process. We
should note however that this real economic control is not
dominated by the logic of capitalist cost benefit analysis,
Since the peasant farmer does not utilise these categories in
144 - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Alex Pollock
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