Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 160)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 160)
and forms of production are normally differentiated by their
differential modes of "exploitation". (18)
I shall attempt to bring out what is specific about the form
of exploitation internal to social relations of production in
sharecropping. The first thing to note is that sharecropping
is based upon a legal contract, whether verbal or written,
Table i3: Fercentage of Net Yield Faid By Sharecropper As Rent
Combined Class Locations
Percentage of net Share-
yield payed to iand- cropper Shepherd Cash Smail-
| lord Tenant holder
i-9 1 - ~ -
10 - 19 17 - - a
20 - 29 2 - - -
30 ~ 39 15 1 2 res
49 - 49 1 ~ - -
50 ~ 59 348 & 9 2s
60 - 49 - - - -
70 —- 79 1 - " -
BO - 89 - - - -
90 - 99 - - - -
Not ascertained 24 1 1 -
Cotumn Total gO9 B le Sl
which stipulates the provision in designated proportions of
certain inputs into the labour process by both the landlord
and sharecropper. The contract further designates’ the
proportion of the final crop yield, or sale of crop yield,
which each party will receive. In the north Jordan Valley,
as we have already seen, the majority of share-contracts are
verbal and contracted on a yearly basis. The actual
aa 146
Alex Pollock


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