Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 161)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 161)
specification of the contract itself 1S open to numerous
variations. There are three general types of contact.
The first, and almost universal, which accounts for 85% of
all share-contracts (see Table 13). is the contract where:
(a) the cropper provides her/his own and her/his family's
labour, and also wage labour if required, e.g. at harvest:
(b) the landlord provides land, water, water pump (if
required) and fuel for the pump;
(c) all the other costs of inputs - seeds, fertilizers,
insecticides and drip-irrigation equipment are equally
shared. On the basis of this contract the final crop yield
1s shared between the landlord and tenant on a 50:50 basis,
normally set at market prices, since the total product is
sold and the income from the sale divided rather than _ the
crop itself being divided between the landlord and the share-
The second is the contract, which accounts for only 4% of
sharecontracts (see Table 13), where:
(a) the cropper provides her/his own and her/his family's
labour, and wage labour if required;
(b) the landlord provides land, water, water pump, fuel for
pump, seeds, fertilizers, insecticides and drip-irrigation
equipment. On the basis of this contract the sharecropper
receives one third, and the landlord two thirds, of the sale
price of the crop yield. This is the individually most
exploitative form of share-contract and constitutes the
sharecropper as a semi-proletarian who contributes nothing
UF _ 147
Alex Pollock


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