Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 164)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 164)
this probability, since at harvest time they visit the farm
on a daily basis to check and oversee the product quantity.
The potential quantity by which the tenant can augment
her/his legally designated share in this way is severely
restricted, because the landlord is able to compute a fairly
accurate assessment of crop productivity per dunum, as one of
the results of the introduction of new varieties of seeds,
fertilizers and efficient water management is to produce
relatively stable production rates, natural blights
I would suggest that the following elements are necessary to
conceptualise sharecropping as a restricted mode of
1. The antecedent existence of product markets in which the
process of commoditisation may be either extended or
2. The diffusion of juridical ownership of the constituent
elements of the means and objects of production, but where
landlords invariantly hold juridical ownership of land.
3. The concentration of economic possession of the
constituent elements of the labour process under the economic
control of the sharecropper.
4. The appropriation of the economic surplus legitimated on
the basis of a private contract between consenting parties
which is sanctioned in law, and thus,
5. The class relation between landlord and sharecropper based
on formal economic freedom.
150 Uf,
Alex Pollock


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