Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 169)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 169)
longer periods of time than those farmers engaged in
sharecropping relationships.
Table 15: Cumuiative Feriod of Cash Tenants’ Leasenoid
} Combined Class Locations
Numoer of years Cash
| Tenant Share- Shepherd Smail—-
| cropper holder
1 - 4 13 a - es
5-9 4 1 1 1
10 - 14 2 - - t
15 ~- 19 4 3 - i
20 - 24 9 4 1 1
2uv - 29 3 2 1 j
30 ~ 34 2 1 ~ -
Not ascertained & as i -
Column Total 45 i9 4 7
Apart from land, rentier landlords very seldom provide other
services to their tenants. For example, only 9% of cash
tenants’ landlords provide them with water (see, Table 16)
and the same number of tenants are provided with a water pump
by their landlords (see, Table 17).
Tabie 16: Does Landlord Frovide Water?
Combined Class Location
| BDoes your iandlord Cash
provide water? Tenant Share- Shepherd Smal l-
cropper holder
Yes 4 1 ~ 1
No oO 14 3 &
Not ascertained & 4 1 -
Column Total 45 19 4 7
Alex Pollock


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