Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 170)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 170)
Table 17: Does Landlora Frovide Water Fump?
{ Combined Ciass Locations
Poes your iandiora Cash
provide water oumo* Tenant Share- shepherd smali-
cropper halder
Yes 4 - - -
No oo is 3 7
Not ascertained é 4 1 -
Ccoiumn Total 45 19 4 7
Cash tenants normally either privately own or rent their
other means of production. In the case of water very few cash
tenants privately own their water resources. They get access
to water through a number of sources: from communally owned
village water networks coming from wells or from private
owners from whom they purchase water. Further, like
sharecroppers, the majority of cash tenants (almost two-
thirds) do not own their mechanised agricultural machinery
(i.e. tractors and tractorised equipment). The great
majority, seven-tenths, rent some or all of their mechanical
equipment, most commonly from commercial dealers. (See Tables
1 and 2 in Appendix 5)
Unlike sharecroppers, cash tenants do privately own and
individually purchase (although they may purchase these items
on credit) their seeds, insecticides, pesticides and drip
irrigation equipment. Again, as in sharecropping, labour is
the private property of the peasant family.
We can draw up a typology of juridical ownership of the means
156 L a
Alex Pollock


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