Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 177)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 177)
Wider peasant population. On the one hand, it is possible for
her/him to produce as extensively as the smallholder and thus
consolidate her/his farm income through rental receipts.
However, it would be a mistake to view the farming-landlord
as marginal to the regional economy since farming—landlords
are normally larger farmers than most other peasant farmers
in the region. The farming-landlord is probably more akin to
the middle or even rich-peasant than the small peasant
farmer. Thus, although constituting less than a tenth of the
regional tenancies, farming landlords have access to more
than a quarter of the regional land area (see Table 27). The
farming—landlords who live in the immediate villages of the
area control eleven cash tenants and 88 sharecroppers. There
are eleven local farming-liandlords who combine smallholding
with rentierism. However, these farming-landlords have spare
income coming from only one cash tenant each. There are,
also, 27 local resident farming—landlords who control 88
sharecroppers. Slightly under a third of these landlords have
only one tenant each, almost a quarter have two tenants, a
tenth of them have 3 tenants and almost a third have 4 or
more tenants under their immediate control. Moreover, these
farming-landlords most commonly (40%) reside in the village
of Jiftlik. Thus, extra income from rental relationships can
lead to quite marked differentiation among the farming-
landlords and lead to marked differentiation between them and
the general peasant population since they are engaged in
relationships of economic exploitation with segments of the
163 ~f.
Alex Pollock


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