Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 179)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 179)
attention to the question of landlordism. Landlordism should
not be treated as a descriptive concept with a high level of
generality, rather it has to be linked to its concrete
manifestations in terms of legal and economic relations of
Production. I do not accept the commonly held descriptive
View which reduces landlords to a property owner who has
tenants working her/his land and who pay rental for this
land. Rather I contend that landlords have very specific and
differential social relations with their tenants which depend
on the mode of production or unit of production they control,
either ina real or formal sense. Thus, in this section I
will be considering both shareowning-—landlordism and rentier-
landliordism which are the two distinct forms of landlordism
which exist in the region. These forms of landlordism are
each linked to two quite distinct modes of economic class
exploitation and two distinct modes of peasant production
unit. Shareowning landlords are landlords who take their
rental payment in the form of a portion of the crop. yield
produced by their tenants. This iS now conventionally paid in
the form of cash which is divided after the sale of the crop
at the market rather than the division of the crop on the
farm itself into designated portions of the crop itself.
Rentier-landlords, on the other hand, are landlords who rent
their lands for a designated sum of money on the basis of a
yearly or longer term financial contract basis.
165 a f
Alex Pollock


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