Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 180)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 180)
Table !9: Type of tandiord By No. of Tenancies and No. of Tenants
No hela Row Row
by iand4 Rentier Snare- Total Rentier Share- Tatal
lord owner owner
H 18 Li7 139 18 117 135
2 - 26 26 - a baie
a - 9 9 - 27 a7
4 - 10 10 - 40 40
a - ms 3 - 15 15
=) - 2 z ~ iz 12
7 - 4 4 ~ 29 23
8 - 1 1 - 8 8
9 - 2 2 _ 18 18
10 - 1 i - 10 10
iz - 1 1 - 13 i2
17 - 1 1 - 17 17
18x 1 - 1 18 , - 18
24 - 1 i - 24 24
Not Asc. - - ~ 9 29 38
Col Tot 19 176 197 45 409 454
KX This rentier landlord is the israeli Department of Absentee Froperty
In the region in which the study was undertaken there are 197
individual landlords who have legal control over 454 rental
tenures. This brings out the centrality of landlordism in the
region, as tliandlords legally control three-quarters of all
the regional land tenures. However, the majority (69%) of
both rentier and shareholding landlords have only one tenant
and these landlords hold only 30% of the regional tenancies
(see Table 19). Yet, at the same time, 17 landlords (less
than a tenth of the landlord population) has 5 or more
tenants contracted to them and these landlords hold over a
third of the regional tenancies. Moreover, four landlords (3%
of the landlord population) have 10 or more tenants under
them and these landlords hold approximately a fifth of the
Alex Pollock


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