Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 181)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 181)
regional tenancies.
If we separate the different categories of landlord we find
that rentier landlords account for only a tenth of the
landlord population and they hold only 8% of all tenancies.
Thus, it is quite clear that shareholding landlordism is the
dominant form of landlordism in the region, accounting for
nine-tenths of all landlords and 90% of all forms of rental
shareowning Landlordism
In the region there are 213 named shareowning landlords who
between them legally control the share-tenancies of 409
sharecroppers (see Table 20). The majority of these landlords
(55%) have only one tenant and they legally control only 29%
of the sharecropping tenures. Thus, slightly more than half
of shareowning landlords legally control less than a third of
the sharecropping population. Moreover, seven-tenths of
shareowning landlords have less than four tenants and these
landlords control less than half of all sharecropping
tenures. This data show that there is a wide dispersion of
share tenures among an extensive population of landlords and
land concentration is not widespread. Only four’ landlords
(the Agricultural Engineers Cooperative, Mahmud al Dammen,
Jawad Risq al Masri and Suleiman Saleh) have contracts with
10 or more share tenants. These four shareowning landlords
(who constitute only 2% of the landlord population) control
15% of the regional share tenures. The two largest landlords,
Alex Pollock


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