Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 182)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 182)
Jawad Risq al Masri and Mahmud al Dammen, control 6% and 4%
of the sharecropping tenancies respectively. While this does
not constitute monopolistic control over share tenures, it
does constitute a significant portion of the tenures’ and
Table 49: Landlords of sSharecroppers
Combined Class Locations
Landlord’s Name No of No of
Land- Share- Shepherd Cash Small-
iord cropper Tenant holder
No. Lanlords with
one tenant ii? 117 ms 4 12
No. iandiords with
two tenants 26 32 - i 6
No. landlords with
three tenants g 27 - - 5
Yehia Abdel Azziz 1 8 - - ~
Abdel Rah. Abdallah 1 4 - _ -
Abu Hasham 1 7 i 2 ~
Muh. S. Abu Rihan 1 4 ~ -
Abu Shamat 1 4 - - _
Agr. Enq. Coop. 1 10 i - ~
Issa al Aamawe i 7 - - _
Adham al Dammen i pa I - -
Mahmud al Dammen 1 17 1 ~ —
Hasan al Fahd 1 4 _ - -
Nimer al Hasan 1 7 - - 2
Ainad al Masri i 4 - - ~
Fat. R. al Masri 1 9 - - -
Jawad R al Masri 1 24 ~ 1 -
Waiid al Masri 1 4 - - _
Ali Abdel Dammen i é - ~ i
Saien A. &. Lammen i 7 ~ 1 -
Darwish Fana 1 9 _ - -
Ghaleb I. A. Karim H 4 - - -
Mahmud Nayyef i J - - -
Ahmad Nayyef 1 4 - - -
Amin Mah. Qassem i 6 - - -
Sulieman Saleh 1 12 - 2 -
Muhamad Thiban i a - - -
Not ascertained 37 37 1 1 4
Column Total 213 409 8 12 a1
Alex Pollock


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