Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 183)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 183)
enhances their position of economic and social power over
their tenants. This is particularly true of al Masri since
he is also the largest merchant capitalist operating in the
region. Moreover, looking at individual landlord control over
sharecroppers underemphasises the degree of control since the
power of landlords is interlinked through family connection.
Table 2@i: tanaiord Families Ey Number otf Snrarecroppers
Family name of famiiies No. of Family No. of
with 16 or more tenants member land- sharecroppers
Families and individual
Landiords with less than
10 sharecroppers 155 fue
Agriculturai Eng. Coop. i 10
al Damen/Damen il 47
al Masri 8 46
Suleiman Salen 1 2
Not ascertained 37 a7
Coiumn Total 213 409
In terms of family control of land tenure in the region the
data show that the two major landlord families, al Masri and
al Damen, legally control almost a quarter of the regional
Share tenancies (see Table 21). This constitutes a fairly
significant degree of landholding concentration. This is not
merely a quantitative relationship since the power these
families wield is based on quantitative factors related to
the level of patronage and market control which they
excercise. In this respect the al Masri family is much more
powerful than the al Damen family, because the al Masri
family are a group of merchant capitalists with links to the
fh. 169
Alex Pollock


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