Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 184)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 184)
market centres of the West Bank and power centres in Jordan.
(26) This family is highly organised in terms of the business
ethic and the profit motive, owning transport facilities,
Sales outlets and auctioning crops. The al Damen family on
the other hand is a more traditional landed family of beduin
origin which has been centred in the rural sector for a_ long
period and maintains its patronage on the basis of semi-
feudal tradition rather than on incorporating traditional
patronage elements into a commercial business ethic. This
latter process is now underway and the logic of appropriation
and profit maximisation as it operates in the region is
likely to lead to al Damen entering the sphere of merchant
and financial activity in amanner which is likely to
conflict with the regional influence of al Masri. However,
this outcome is not a foregone conclusion and depends on al
Damen identifying his interests in this manner.
Tadle 22: Sharecropoers’ Landiords Flace of Residence
Combined Class Locations
Landlora’s piace of Share-
residence cropper Shepherd Cash 5mali-
Tenant holder
Local village 133. 2 2 10
Nablus 157 1 3 12
Tamun a - ~- -
Tubas &7 4 6 9
Jerusalem Fa) - ~ -
Jericho & 1 - -
Gther 11 - 1 -
Not ascertained 17 - _ -
Coiumn Total 409 8 12 ol
170 £ ;
Alex Pollock


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