Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 186)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 186)
likely to be a supplement to their normal source of
livelihood - to those who gain a large portion, if not all,
of their private income from specialisation in agricultural
rent and associated commercial activities. This aspect of
social relations of production, distribution and exchange
will be brought out in greater detail in the following
Rentier Landlordism
In the region there are 19 named rentier landlords for 45
cash tenants (see Table 24). If we consider the actual number
of tenancies held by the different types of landlords we find
that only one rentier landlord has more than one tenant. This
landlord is a special case, since the landiord in question is
the Israeli Department of Absentee Property.
This department accounts for 18 tenancies or 40% of the
regional cash tenancies. The majority (95%) of rentier
landlords have only one tenant and the holdings this group
legally control constitutes 40% of regional cash tenancies.
The data point to the fact that there is no monopolisation
or even oligopolisation of cash tenacies. Ownership is
diffuse and no Palestinian landlord has more than one tenant.
This points to the fact that the phenomenon of rentier
landlordism in the region is undeveloped and not a highly
specialised commercial activity, but is one based on the
letting out of either private family inheritance, privately
172 my
Alex Pollock


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