Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 187)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 187)
purchased land, or sub-let rental land to farmers in the
region. No individual rentier landlord can make a substantial
income from this source alone. Thus, it is highly likely that
Table 24: Name of Casn tenants’ Landiord By Numoer of Tenants and
the Combined Class Location of jenants
Combined Class Locations
Name of Cash
Rentier Lanolord Tenant Share- Shephera Small-
cropper holder
Radi Abdullah 1 - _ 1
Aref Abu Jesh 1 - - -
Saleh Ahmad 1 - - -
Manmud Allan al Dammen 1 - - -
Mithgqal al Dammen i - - -
Jawad ai Ghazzawi 1 - - a
Abed al Hafez 1 - ~ ~
Said al Haj31 1 - _ -
Zahi Walid al Gahhawi 1 - - _
al Said 1 - - 1
Rafir al Zuabi 1 - - i
Mahmud Ipranim i i - -
Munamed Ibrahim i - - 1
Israeli GBovernment 18 12 3 a
Ibranim Abdei Karim 1 - - ~
Muhamed Abdel Karim i - - _
Abdullah Mirai 1 - - -
Other 2? 2 - i
Not Ascertained 9 4 1 _
Coiumn Total 45 i9 4 7
the bulk of rentier landlords rent land to supplement their
family incomes rather than undertaking rentierism as a
specialised business activity. The only major rentier
landlord in the region is the Israeli Government Department
of Absentee Property, which rents to 40% of cash tenants, and
the majority of tenants who rent land from this’ source,
Alex Pollock


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