Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 188)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 188)
Table 25: tocation ot Casn jenants’ Landiords
Combinea Liass Locations
Fiace ot Residence Lasn
of Landiord Tenant Share- Sheponera Smali-
cropper halder
Local Resident 8 7 _ 5
Nablus 7 < - 1
Tubas 5 = - 1
Israeli bovernment 18 a a ei
Not Ascertained 7 3 i -
Column Total 4s 19 4 7
particularly inthe village of Zbeidat, claim that they should
have the right to legal ownership of this land. (27)
The majority of Palestinian rentier landlords (60%) live
outside the locality where they rent their lands, in either
Nablus (35%) or Tubas (25%) (see Table 25). The remaing 40%
of Palestinian rentier landlords are local village residents
and live in the locality where they rent their lands.
Table 26: Farming Status of Cash Tenants” Landlords
Combined Class Location
Does your landiord Cash
farm 7? Tenant Share- Shepherd Smail—-
cropper holder
Yes 4 = - 1
No 16 1i 1 5
Don*t know - 1 - 1
Not ascertained 2uk a) 3 -
Column Total 45 19 4 7
x This “Not ascertained” figure includes the Israeli Department
of Absentee Froperty.
Alex Pollock


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