Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 193)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 193)
Jiftlik it accounts for 14%, 7%, 6%, 6%, 4% and 3% of the
respective village landholdings.
The incidence of farming-shepherds in the landholding
population is “relatively infrequent and generally very
insignificant. There are no farming-shepherds to be found in
the villages of “Ain al Beda, Marj Najeh and “Ain Shibli.
While in Jiftlik, Bardala, Zbeidat and Frush Bet Dajan they
constitute only 3%, 4%, 5% and 8% of the respective
landholding populations of the villages.
Some farming-landlordism is to be found in all villages,
except ~Ain Shibli, but its incidence is relatively low. Only
in Marj} Najeh is it an important form of landlholding where
it accounts for 21% of all the village landholdings. In _ the
other five villages it accounts for between only 4-7% of the
Village holdings.
In summary, the sharecropping mode of production is_ the
dominant form of landholding in five out of the seven
villages studied, i.e. in Bardala, “Ain al Beda, Zbeidat,
Jiftlik and ~Ain Shibli. Smallholding (the petty-commodity
mode of production) is important in four villages where it
accounts from between 20-45% of all landholdings, i.e. in
Bardala, ~Ain al Beda, Marj Najeh and Frush Bet Dajan. Cash
tenancy (capitalist ground-rent) is undeveloped and only
exists at a significant level in Zbeidat, but even here it
can hardly be considered as a proper form of capitalist
ground-rent. Farming-shepherding is relatively insignificant.
179 UP,
Alex Pollock


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