Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 194)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 194)
Farming-landlordism constitutes a very small portion of all
of the holdings in all of the seven villages (ranging from 5%
to 7%), except Marj) Najeh where it constitutes 21%. However,
the numerical extent of farming—-landlordism underemphasises
its economic importance in the region.
While we have shown the relative numbers and percentages of
the different forms of landholding this does not say very
much except that there are a greater number of sharetenants
than all the other forms of holding combined. A much more
interesting picture emerges when we look at the area of
landholding and the distribution among the different agrarian
Aggregate Holding
In the following section I will look at the pattern of
landholding and land distribution among the different
agrarian social classes. There are three distinct forms of
landholding in the region. These are private ownership, cash
rental and share rental.
Regionally there is a total of 24,201 dunums held under’ the
three different forms of landholding (see Table 28). Almost
half of this is share-rented, two-fifths is privately owned
and 14% 1s cash rented. In terms of the aggregate
distribution of this land area among the different agrarian
class groupings, almost half is controlled by sharecroppers,
over a quarter by farming-landlords, 13% by smallholders, 8%
180 of,
Alex Pollock


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