Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 196)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 196)
area 1S owned by farming-landlords., a fifth by smallholders,
8% by sharecroppers and 2% each by both farming-shepherds and
cash tenants. It should be borne in mind that when we are
discussing land owned by sharecroppers and cash tenants this
is in addition to the land they share rent and cash rent.
Also, of the 3,308 dunums of land which are cash rented
approximately two-fifths of this area is rented by cash
tenants, a third by sharecroppers, an eighth by smallholders
and 8% by farming-shepherds. Furthermore, of the 11,108
dunums which are sharecropped nine-tenths of this area is
sharerented by sharecroppers, 7% by smallholders, 3% by cash
tenants and 2% by farming-shepherds.
These figure show that access to privately owned land among
the people residing in the region (as opposed to absentee
landowners living outside the region) is dominated by
farming-landlords. Farming-landiords who hold less than a
tenth of individual holdings own seven-tenths of the land
privately owned among the _ regional population, while
smallholders who hold 16% of individual holdings have access
to only a fifth of land privately owned among the regional
farming population. Access to cash rented land ismost
commonly in the hands of cash tenants who hold 7% tenancies
and have access to two-fifths of the cash rented land area.
Interestingly, sharecroppers also have access to a third of
the cash rented land area. Sharecroppers who hold two-third
of all land holdings have access to nine-tenths of the share-
rented land area.
Alex Pollock


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