Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 198)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 198)
rentals, 3% of smallholdings and 11% of cash rentals are of
100 or more dunums, while over a third of farming-landlords
holdings are of 100 or more dunums. This data show that
smaller farms are the norm and that large farms are _ an
infrequent phenomenon. The majority of the region's peasant
farmers farm on holdings of under 25 dunums. Larger holdings
are more frequent among farming-landlords although a
substantial part of the land controlled by them is rented out
rather than farmed directly.
Table 270: Forms of Landholding (under SO dnms) By Duntumage
Forms of Landholding
Number of
| Dunums Smali- Cash- Share- Row
holder rental rental Total
i- 4 & 3 6 15
53 - 9 1i 12 Sl a4
ia - 14 i8 4 68 90
15 - 19 9 2 oF 70
20 - 24 g 2 79 90
xo - 29 i i 47 49
30 - 34 g 1 44 a4
ao 7 SF 2 2 8 12
40 - 44 S i 19 ao
45 - 49 2 1 6 9
SO olus 5 i0 ae Aus
Not Ascert. 20 ra) i7 43
Column Total 95 45 409 549
Moreover, while four-fifths of the landholding population
farm under 50 dunums of land, we should be aware that even
within this range there is likely to be wide variations in
land distribution. Table 30 gives a less concentrated
breakdown of landholding for the different agrarian groups in
Ub 184
Alex Pollock


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