Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 201)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 201)
Production utilising modern technology and agricultural
inputs. Existing farm size mitigates against a return to a
system where subsistence production predominates over’ the
market function which is based on the highly monetised and
technologically based production of use~-values for exchange.
One factor which often mitigates against extensive land use
and bringing land under more intensive forms of production is
the dissolution and fragmentation of landholding into minute
Parcels of land, often separated by fairly substantial
distances and over different agricultural terrains. This is
certainly an aspect of the landholding pattern in the West
Bank highlands where landholding has been subject to
fragmentation. This happened over a long period of time as
larger landholding units became fragmented into smaller and
smaller units through the inheritance system, which
generationally dissolves the original landholding unless it
is consolidated through purchase and traditional forms of
transfer, e.g. aS a bride price etc. However, this mechanism
does not appear to be operating in the Jordan Valley where
sharecropping rather than smallholding is the predominant
form of land tenure system.
The data show that slightly more than two-fifths of all
landholdings are parcelled into more than one plot of land
(see Table 31). Sharecroppers show the least tendency to work
parcelized holding with three-fifths of sharecroppers working
187 vf :
Alex Pollock


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