Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 203)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 203)
is relatively common with a quarter of both sharecroppers and
farming-shepherds, and a fifth of both cash tenants) and
Yapie S32: Landnolding Cateaory By Number of Farcels
Landhoiding Category
Number of Row
Farceis Snare~ Shepherd Cash Smail- Total
cropper Tenant hoider |
i 229 5 22 46 2u2
2 éi 6 is 2? 107
3 39 3 rs 9 a4
4 Zo - = ' 4 ml
a 24 1 2 4 a3
6 9 - - 1 16
7 1 - - ~ i
8 - - 1 - 1
9 i - - ~ 1
Not Ascert. 19 2 i 3 2d
Column Total 409 17 45 95 u66
smallholders farming on three or more separate parcels of
land. However, farming on five or more parcels of land
simultaneously is quite infrequent with only 9% of both
sharecroppers and cash tenants, and only 6% of both farming—
shepherds and smallholders farming on five or more distinct
plots of land. Thus, while parcelized farming is not’ the
dominant form of land dispersion there is still a relatively
high incidence of parcelized farming, but this has not led to
fragmentation of landholding in the same manner as in the
West Bank highlands. Parcelisation is probably directly
related to different forms of landholding and thus to
different class locations in most cases rather than to
fragmented landholdings.
Alex Pollock


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