Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 204)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 204)
The major problem associated with parcelized land is that it
inhibits the development of extensive farming systems, i.e.
systems which are highly mechanised in terms of the planting
and harvesting technology utilised. This is not an important
problem in the Jordan Valley at the present time since the
farming system adopted is an intensive farming system on
small plots of land producing vegetabie crops, where
harvesting technology has not been developed to reap soft-
skinned vegetable produce. Harvesting remains labour
intensive. As long as this farming system continues then the
issue of consolidation of parcelized plots is not likely -to
change the land tenure pattern of land distribution. However,
a changeover from vegetable crop production to extensive
field crop production or the development of mechanical sowing
and cropping systems capable of handling soft-skinned
vegetable produce, which at the same time works out less
costly and more profitable than sharetenancy, would most
likely lead to a de~peasant isation of the sharecropping
sector in the Jordan Valley.
In this chapter I looked at the different types of peasant
modes of production and there constituent class relations of
production which exist in the region. I demonstrated that all
forms of peasant enterprise are engaged in petty-commodity
production but that there are only two forms of non-
capitalist modes of production which entailed relations of
direct economic exploitation in their immediate relations of
Alex Pollock


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