Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 205)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 205)
material production. These are sharecropping and cash
tenancy. Sharecropping forms of production are prevalent in
the region and account for two-thirds of ali peasant
enterprises. Cash tenancy is fairly marginal and accounts for
only 7% of peasant farm enterprises.
The other two types of production unit found in the’ region
are internally non-exploitative in their immediate relations
of material production, familial and gender relations of
subordination notwithstanding. These are smallholding and
farming-—landlordism which are both forms of petty—commodity
production. Smallholding accounts for less than a fifth of
peasant farm enterprises and farming-landlordism accounts for
only 3% of peasant farm units. Thus, we can infer from this
picture that the regional economy 18 one which is largely
based on production through the direct exploitation of
immediate producers.
The pattern of land ownership under private landlords is
diffused among a large number of small landlords, and thus we
can say that there is no actual concentration of economic
exploitation, although this iS an ongoing tendency since the
two largest landlords control a tenth of all sharecropping
compacts. Moreover, the largest landlord is also the major
merchant and commercial haulier operating in the region and
the two largest landowning families (as opposed to
individuals) control almost a quarter of sharecropping
Alex Pollock


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