Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 206)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 206)
The pattern of landholding in the region is dominated by
relatively small-scale plots; more than half the peasant
farmers operate enterprises of less than 25 dunums. The most
common size of share-rental is 20-24 dunums, while the most
common areas of smallholding and cash rental are 10-14 and 5-
9 dunums respectively. The parcelization of land - while not
prevalent - is not an uncommon phenomenon.
This chapter has allowed me to bring out, through the realist
retroductive method, the pattern of economic class relations
embedded in the different modes of production. In the
following chapter I will attempt to bring out through the
same methodological procedure the structure of unequal
exchange, its tendencies and interaction with these economic
class relations.
Lf, 192
Alex Pollock


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