Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 207)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 207)
i. See, E. Laclau, "Feudalism and Capitalism in Latin
America”, in Politics and Ideology in Marxist Theory,
(London, 1977), p.34. and chapter two of this thesis.
2. I have discussed this aspect of social relations in
"Sharecropping in the North Jordan Valley: Relations of
Production and Reproduction", in Kathy and Pandeli Glavanis
eds., Agrarian Relations in the Middle East, (London,
forthcoming) pp. 7-10 and pp. 34-38.
3. For a general discussion on the peasant household as a
distinct production unit, see, inter alia, Kathy and Pandeli
Glavanis, "The Sociology of Agrarian Relations in the Middle
East: The Persistence of Household Production", in Current
Sociology, Vol 31, No 2 Summer, 1983. Kathy Glavanis,
"Aspects of Non-Capitalist Social Relations in Rural Egypt:
The Small Peasant Household in an Egyptian Delta Village", in
Norman Long Ed., Family and Work in Rural Societies, (London,
1984), pp. 30-57. Marit Malhuus, "Cash Crop Production and
Family Labour: Tobacco Growers in Corrientes, Argentina", in
Norman Long ed. ibid. pp.61-77. Harriet Friedmann, "Household
Production in the National Economy: Concepts for the Analysis
of Agrarian Formation", in Journal of Peasant Studies, Vol 7,
No 2, 1980. pp. 158-84.
4. On the general question of patriarchy, see, Gayle Rubin,
"The Traffic in Women: Notes on the ‘Political Economy' of
Sex", in Rayna Reiter ed., Towards and Anthropology of Women,
(New York, 1975), pp. 157-210. Por a discussion of gender
hierarchy in West Bank villages, see, Annelies Moors, "Gender
uh 193
Alex Pollock


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