Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 208)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 208)
Hierarchy ina Palestinian Village: The case of al Balad", in
Kathy and Pandeli Glavanis eds. op cit.
5. For a general discussion of these issues in terms of the
link between the peasant economy and capitalism, see, Carmenr
Dianna Deere, "Rural Women's Subsistence Production in the
Capitalist Periphery", in Robin Cohen, Peter C W Gutkind and
Phyllis Brazier eds., Peasants and Proletarians, (London,
1979), pp. 133-45.
6. Balibar makes an identical distinction between a
"property connection" and a "real or material appropriation
connection”. See, E. .Balibar, "The Basic Concepts of
Historical Materialism”, in L. Althusser and E. Balibar,
Reading Capital, (London, 1970). p. 215.
7. See, R. Shehadeh, "Some Legal Aspects of Israeli Land
Policy in the Occupied Territories", in Arab Studies
Quarterly, Vol 7, Nos 2 and 3, 1985.
8. Compare, Alfred Bonne, State and Economics in the Middle
east, (London, 1948), pp. 116-17.
9. See, Salim Tamari, The Dislocation and Re-Constitution
of a Peasantry: The Social Economy of Agrarian Palestine in
the Central Highlands and Jordan Valley, 1960-80, Unpublished
PhD Thesis, (Manchester University, 1983), p. 10.
10. Karl Marx, Capital, Vol 1, (Harmondsworth, 1976) p.283.
11. For a general historical discussion of sharecropping,
see, R.Pearce, "Sharecropping: Towards a Marxist Analysis",
in Journal of Peasant Studies, Vol 10, No 2 and 3, 1982.
12. These figures are an estimate based on the 1931 census,
which shows a population of 14,000 sharecroppers in
Palestine. Alfred Bonne, further informs us that after WWI
194 Jf,
Alex Pollock


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