Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 209)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 209)
there were approximately 70-80,000 agricultural units in
Palestine. Thus, if things remained relatively constant,
sharecropping would constitute between 18-20% of all
agricultural enterprises.
13. See, Tamari op cit. pp. 50-73.
14. For amore general discussion of these issues, see,
Alex Pollock, "Society and Change in the North Jordan
Valley", in George Abed ed., Development Under Prolonged
Occupation, (Welfare Association, 1987) (forthcoming).
15. On the general issue of the links between property and
markets, see, J. B. MacPherson, Possessive Individualism,
(London, 1968).
16. Compare the chapter on squatting in this report.
17. See, Timothy Keegan, “THe Sharecropping Economy of the
South African Highveld in the Early Twentieth Century", in
Journal of Peasant Studies, Vol 10, No. 2 and 3, 1982.
18. See, E. O. Wright, Classes, (London, 1985), pp. 73-86.
19. Compare, Alex Pollock, "Sharecropping in the North
Jordan valley: Social Relations of Production and
Reproduction", in Kathy and Pandeli Glavanis Eds., Agrarian
Relations in the Middle East, (London, 1987) (forthcoming).
20. Compare, Salim Tamari and Rita Giacaman, Zbeidat: The
Social Impact of Drip-Irrigation on a Palestinian Peasant
Community in the Jordan Valley, (Birzeit, 1980), pp. 42-45.
21. See, op cit. pp. 201-25.
22. Fatimah Halim, "The Major Mode of Surplus Appropriation
in the West Malayian Countryside: The Sharecropping System",
in Journal of Peasant Studies, Vol 10. No 2 and 3, 1982,
195 vt,
Alex Pollock


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