Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 212)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 212)
bind the peasantry to merchant/usurer capital. To begin at
the most abstract level, in all societies the basic
biologically necessary element of human existence and human
reproduction is provided by means of consumption - food,
clothing, shelter, etc. However, in order for consumption to
be possible, the production of consumer items (use-values)
must take place or humanity cannot exist. It is a basic
feature of all human society that people produce the
consumption requirements of society regardless of the
specific forms of production, the social division of labour
or the economic class structure that exist. Thus, from the
very primordial beginnings of human existence consumption and
production are conjoined in a basic symbiotic unity. The
symbiosis itself has no necessary form other than the fact
that it is a social construction and not a natural one, and
thus it is subject to change and infinite variation through
different social] formations and different historical epochs.
(1) This interconnection 18 a basic law of social
reproduction which consists of an interdependent circuit of
production and consumption. This can be represented formally,
where, P represents the production of use-values and C
represents the consumption of these use-values.
In outlining this abstract account we are not concerned with
the empirical patterns of consumption but merely with
necessary consumption, in other words a biological necessity.
Consumption has two elements which are required to maintain
Alex Pollock


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