Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 213)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 213)
any stable level of production and reproduction; first, we
have the personal consumption of producers which must fulfill
a biological minimum if producers are to go on producing,
and, second, we have the productive consumption of producers
which refers to the actual means of production (i.e. tools,
machinery, etc.) and the elements necessary to cover the
depreciation of the means of production. These two elements
are necessary invariant aspects of all human activity and in
this model are historically unspecific.
Once society passes beyond the level of natural economy = and
attains a relatively complex level in the social division of
labour, markets begin to operate as a mechanism of
distribution and exchange of production for necessary
consumption. Production and consumption become linked through
the mechanism of trade and exchange and the use-values
exchanged take the form of commodities.
If we shift the level of analysis to a more concrete but
still abstract model, which allows us to specify the form of
articulation of commodity producers - i.e. sharecroppers,
smallholders, cash tenants, farming-shepherds and farming—
landlords - in the Jordan Valley to the West Bank, Israeli
and international economy, then we find that the social
reproduction of these commodity producers occurs through
three interconnected and complementary processes in the
circulation of commodities.
In the first instance, simple commodity producers are
an 199
Alex Pollock


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