Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 215)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 215)
represented, thus:
where, M represents the initial sum of money outlaid for a
bundle of commodities C, and M'’ represents the final income
from the sale of these commodities. The circuit of commercial
capital 1s predicated on the logic of purchasing commodities
cheaply in order to sell them at a dearer price. If the
merchant does not achieve this aim, i.e. if M' is equal to or
less than M, then s/he is wasting her/his time and effort.
The development and expansion of the circuit of commercial
capital accompanies increasing specialisation and
differentiation in the social division of labour. The circuit
acts as a medium through which a multivarious array of
differentiated producers enter an institutionalised form of
economic interaction through which they can exchange their.
produce for money with which they can purchase other
commodities through the same institutional arrangement. This
institutionalised form is the sphere of market relations
which 1s charged with the function of consumption. As the
social division of labour in commodity producing social
formations becomes more complex, then the role of merchant
capital reaches prominence as merchants become more
specialised in order to integrate the different commodity
markets with one another. This development integrates the
circuits of production and consumption, and we can formally
represent this form of social reproduction, thus:
P...C - (M- C —- M') -— C'...Cn
Alex Pollock


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