Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 222)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 222)
normally utilising HVY's and intermediate drip irrigation
In peasant societies, specialisation in different sectors of
agricultural commodity production most often results in an
extension of personal commodity consumption within the
peasant household as less and less of the household foodstuff
consumption is met from the subsistence resource base of the
peasant economy, and as these subsistence requirements) are
met through commodity consumption through the market place
mediated by cash payment. Henry Bernstein, in his work on
African peasantries, has shown that this can be taken as. one
of the signs in the deve lopment of increasing
commoditisation. He states that:
When food needs are satisfied on a regular basis by
purchase this signifies that commodity relations
have developed to a higher level. It reflects a
more advanced social division of labour in which
some peasants specialise in the commercial
production of food, some of which is directed
through the market to peasants engaged in other
branches of commodity production, or in which food
is produced on capitalist farms with higher levels
of productivity of iabour and is available more
cheaply than food produced within the household.
While this is certainly an aspect of social relations in
peasant agriculture in the north Jordan Valley, the more
important side of commoditisation, at least from the side of
merchants and usurers, is perhaps the intensification of
productive commodity consumption. By this I am referring to
the intensification of commodity purchases of productive
consumption on peasant farm enterprises. The main reason for
Alex Pollock


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