Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 223)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 223)
the intensification of productive commodity consumption in
the Jordan Valley is directly related to the changeover from
the furrow irrigation system to the drip irrigation system
and the associated bio-chemical package of HYV's,
insecticides and pesticides which occurred in the mid-1i970's.
During this period the regional peasantry became deeply
enmeshed in a new level of productive commodity consumption
as these new techniques - drip-irrigation equipment, plastic
sheeting, HYV seeds/seedlings, insecticides, fertilizers,
etc. - had to be purchased in the market. The intensification
of these commoditised productive consumption needs created a
larger exploitative space and more profitable possibilities
for merchant and usurers in the appropriation of surplus
product through the mechanism of unequal exchange. It allowed
merchants to manifestly increase the appropriation of surplus
product through relative unequal exchange.
Bernstein has drawn out the effects of increasing
commoditisation on the economy of the peasant household
resulting in increasing costs of production and decreasing
returns to labour. This process he calls a “simple
reproduction squeeze" and comments that:
The pressures which result in the "squeeze" on
simple reproduction include those arising from the
exhaustion of both land and labour given the
techniques of cultivation employed, from rural
"development" schemes which encourage or impose
more expensive means of production (improved seeds,
tools, more extensive use of fertilizers,
insecticides and pesticides, etc.) with no
assurance that there will be increased returns to
labour commensurate with the costs incurred, and
from deteriorating terms of exchange for peasant
209 vf ;
Alex Pollock


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