Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 225)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 225)
require the ownership or possession of a truck or Volkswagon
transporter to get the produce to market, since the nearest
retail outlets are at a distance of 80-150 kilometres’ from
the farming areas. This is too far, too time-consuming and
too expensive to travel by tractor and trailer. Thus, direct
sales through retailers do not represent an important
marketing oulet for the vast majority of peasant producers.
A large number of farms, particularly if they have younger
children and older persons in the household, sell a portion
of their produce by peddiing produce at the side of the road
to passing traffic. While this practice does bring in an
immediate monetised income into the household, only a very
small portion of the total crop yield is sold in this manner
and thus only a minor fraction of the total farm income comes
from this source.
Second, while there is substantial evidence that crop leasing
was common in the villages of Zbeidat, Marj Najeh, "Ain
Shibli and Bardala after the initial introduction of drip
irrigation and HYV's in the late-1970's and even into the
1980's, the practice is no longer prominent today. There are
a number of reasons for the demise but two stand out as being
particularly important. First, in the initial phase of
introduction market prices were generally set by lower volume
production and crop-—leasers were able to take advantage of
high tomato prices, particularly at the beginning of the
season. However, as more and more farms moved over to the
drip irrigation system, market prices dropped significantly
211 ef,
Alex Pollock


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