Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 227)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 227)
The situation described by Tamari, which may only be
applicable to the period during which he conducted his
fieldwork, is directly contrary to my field work evidence,
which it must be admitted in this case is impressionistic and
based ona very small number of interviews. My field work
evidence shows that only asmall percentage of peasant
households formerly crop-leased their lands. But those which
did, crop-leased anything from 50-100% of their tomato crop,
which could be anything from 3 to 15 dunums. This is
significantly larger than the figure suggested by Tamari.
Moreover, as Tamari himself states, in the spring of 1980,
peasant households were receiving a gross income of $1000 per
dunum of tomatoes. (9) Given these prices it is very unlikely
that those peasant households who were crop-leasing would not
have been prepared to crop-lease more land, particularly as
harvesting, packing and marketing of the crop becomes’ the
responsibility of the crop-leaser.
Moreover, if we consider crop-—leasing from the point of view
of the Chayanovian thesis of the trade-off between factor
income and leisure, then, the labour-consumer balance
instigated by crop-leasing is very favourable to the peasant
household. Since they only have to look after the crop until
the harvest period and the harvesting (i.e. the most intense
period of farm labour activity) of the crop becomes’ the
responsibility of the crop-leaser. (10) The Chayanovian
thesis tends to support my impressionistic data that those
peasant farmers who crop-leased, leased substantially more
land than that suggested by Tamari. However, the evidence is
Alex Pollock


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