Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 228)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 228)
not veridical and is unlikely to be proven one way or the
other now that the practice has largely ceased.
Fourth, one of the major incentives for the introduction of
Green Revolution technology and HYV's at the beginning of the
1970's was the availability of the international Arab export
market via Jordan as an extended market for produce from the
West Bank. Before the onset of the Iran-Iraq war, produce
from the Jordan Valley was entering Iraq. Goods were also
entering Syria until the onset of the particularly chilled
relations between Syria and Jordan. In order to export their
crops from the West Bank to Jordan, Palestinian peasant
farmers have to obtain "certificates of origin” guaranteeing
that their produce is the produce of Palestinian farms and
does not originate in Israel. The certificates permit farmers
Table 33: Source of Certificates of Origin by Agrarian Ciass
Source Share- Sheoherd Cash Small- Farming Total
cropper tenant holder landlord
Landiord 72 - ~ 2 - 74
Mark. Coop 99 3 ar 36 - 1460
Other 162 7 10 Zo - 202
Not asc. 28 - S il 12 54
Total 371 cs) 35 72 i SOC
to export up to 30% of their crop yieid to Jordan. These
certificates have to be notarised by a representative of the
Jordanian government in the West Bank. This function is
vA : 214
Alex Pollock


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