Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 229)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 229)
normally carried out for the north Jordan Valley region by
the Jericho Marketing Cooperative or employees of the
Jordanian Department of Agriculture. However, farmers do not
often have direct access to these sources and they will use
intermediaries to obtain the certificates of origin on their
behalf. Almost a third of peasant households get their
certificates of origin directly from the Jericho Marketing
Cooperative, 15% get them through the mediation of their
landlord and the largest group - two-thirds - gets them from
"other" unspecified sources which includes commission agents,
village mukhtars and the Jordanian Department of Agriculture
employees (see Table 33).
There are some differences in the ways in which the various
agrarian classes gain access to certificates of origin. A
fifth of sharecroppers got their certificates from landlords
and they were the only group to obtain their certificates
substantially from this source. Only slightly more than a
quarter of sharecroppers got their certificates directly from
the Jericho Marketing Cooperative, compared with almost two-
thirds of cash tenants and half of all smallholders. One
reason for this is that sharecroppers are least likely to he
members of the marketing cooperative. Another reason is that
they are much more likely to be at the prey of other social
groups, particularly commission agents and commission agents
who combine mercantile functions with landlordism, and _ to
obtain their certificates of origin for them. This helps to
maintain and reinforce relations of patronage and clientism.
Alex Pollock


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