Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 231)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 231)
yagple 34: Frobiems of Marketing 1n Jordan by Aqrarian Class
Froplem oSnare- Ssheonerd Lash omali~ Farming Total
cropper tenant holder lanciord
None 96 3 8 28 x La?
Quantity 9 i Ry - i 13
Delays i4 - 1 - 1 14
Trans cost 28 - - & - a4
Limited tr if - 9 5 it oa
Fermission 73 3 13 13 4 106
Other 77 a 2 7 1 90
Not asc. Sho - - is 2 70
Totai 371 10 ao 72 12 DOO
Although not so much a problem but more an index of
exploitation, almost half of the peasant farm population
claimed that they had to pay a double commission on the sale
of their crops which were exported to Jordan (see Table 35),
1.e. they had to pay a commission to both their West Bank
commission agent who transported the crops to Jordan, and
also to the commission agent on the Jordanian side who
auctions the crop in the market place. In extreme cases,
this can mean almost a quarter of the sale price of the crop
being paid in commission. Moreover, this does not even take
into account transportation costs. Sharecroppers were
marginally more likely to be exploited in this way than other
agrarian classes, with 60% of sharecroppers paying double
commission, compared with 55% of cash tenants, 50% of
farming-—landlords and 24% of smallholders.
217 Le
Alex Pollock


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